The Transformative Properties of a Morning Routine + New BCF Podcast

There are informative articles out there that can supply you with the scientific and factual evidence that supports how and why a morning routine can benefit you, but this is a personal blog, and so most days I skip the research and just tell it like it is. . . hoping y’all still find value in it.

With that being said, I have been more strict about following a routine. It varies a bit each day depending on how I feel, where I am, and what I need to take care of.

Though rolling out of bed sometimes is hard and I take walks before my brain even realizes we’ve gone outside, I feel so good having pushed myself and every day since has felt like a productive one.

1. Thank you, God

My alarm is now set for 6:30 – 7:00 am. For the past few days, It has taken me between 10 and 20 mins to actually get out of bed, but as long as it has been within that frame, I’m okay with that! And I try to make it a point to have “Thank you, God” be the first words out of my mouth each day; ever since I have been actively and openly practicing gratitude, I feel so much fuller and happier.

It is not really as though anything or anyone has drastically changed my life for the better in comparison to, say, a month ago, but when I take the time to recognize the things and people I already have and to acknowledge how truly blessed I am to have the opportunities that I do – such as waking up each day – I feel like the richest person alive.

So, if you want to wake up feeling like a million bucks, too, start by taking all of your riches into account. Think of it like that $20 you find in your pocket after you wash them; you thought you only had $15 but for months now, you’ve actually had an extra 20, unacknowledged dollars. Waking up each day, having your health, and having food in your fridge are blessings I couldn’t put a price on, but we often forget to count them in when we sit down to appreciate what we have.

2. Snap, Crackle, Pop and Drip Drop

Ha. Alrighty, I was just trying to find a fun way to say that I crack my bones/ stretch, because I often wake up tense, and then I use the restroom to start my day off with as little tension everywhere as possible.

I wash my hands. . . obviously. . . then I wash the crust from my eyes. Now that I am officially up and at ’em, the real fun begins.

3. You Snooze then News

Every morning, there is something new that awaits you. It is not always a pleasant surprise, but that doesn’t mean we should necessarily avoid it. I used to cut the news clean out of my agenda – it always seemed so depressing and I would carry that weight with me throughout the day. Recently, however, I started watching the Trevor Noah show. He adds humor, skits, guests, and there is diversity. I still get important updates and facts without having to endure several hours of depression beforehand. In addition, I get a lot of information from my social media, where they discuss topics and incidents the news won’t cover. Whatever outlets you use, don’t always believe everything you see. Do. Your. Research.

Also, I typically eat breakfast and check my emails while I watch the news.

4. Pills and potions

If you consider water and vitamins B12 and C to be magical, then yes, I take pills and potions. I am vegan and, aside from that, have always struggled with my eating habits – there were periods where I didn’t want to ever be bloated and so I ate just enough to make it through the day, there were periods where I wanted to gain weight and I ate everything in sight, and there were times where I worked so much I simply forgot to eat. My mom leaves the vitamins on the counter for me every morning, reminding me take them, and dare I say, they have contributed to this feel-good feeling I’ve been thriving on.

I also take birth control tailored towards relieving period cramps. If you take any vitamins or pills, I advise carefully reading the instructions and listening to your doctor. I prefer to take mine after breakfast and with water.

5. Play Some Jazz and Determine What the Day Has in Store

When I’ve watched all of the Trevor Noah episodes available on YouTube that day, I play some “Work Jazz Music” to ease the tension of an empty apartment while I work. I love lists and I feel like I am destined to be productive and successful on the days when I make a ToDo list.

For instance, here’s what I have on today’s agenda:

Today I Will:

  • Advertise podcast
  • redo magazine’s instagram feed
  • chores (on a separate list)
  • yoga to relieve muscle tension
  • review and adv. Maurice’s book
  • laundry w/mom after work
  • blog
  • find gift for Vero’s bday
  • Work on music

Though this may be more than I can do efficiently and effectively in a day, I do my best to attempt them all. I write a physical list, as I find satisfaction in crossing off each item as I accomplish it. Anything I don’t finish today will get put on tomorrow’s list. You can make a list on your phone in the ‘Notes’ app and use the checklist feature to create a similar effect if you don’t like using paper.

6. Routine Shmootine

Some days look like a distant cousin of the one I just described. Instead of jazz music and a ToDo list after breakfast, I may take a walk for an hour or so. Instead of breakfast, I may just have coffee and get straight to work, completely skipping over yoga, and so on. Some days don’t have to be the same as the last 5. Yesterday I got to take an early-morning, cool, breezy walk that was recorded to be about 10,000 steps and then I walked a little later to get some food with my boyfriend. So today I woke up with sore muscles and I am going to replace my walk with yoga.

The best routine for each day is the one that is going to benefit you the most. Is staying in bed for another two hours because you swear your eyes are too heavy to open really the most effective way to start your day? Is having a box of donuts delivered to your door every morning the best way to fuel your body? Are you content with yourself after pushing that much-needed walk aside for the past two weeks?

I know how hard it is to get your sleep schedule back on track and I know how much discipline it takes to get up at 6:30, fix yourself breakfast, and get moving, but after you start, you won’t want to stop.

What Do You Want Your Morning Routine to Look Like?

If you want me to help hold you accountable, check in and motivate you to follow through with your ToDo, contact me and let me know! Your routine may look nothing like mine because maybe you hate coffee, jazz, yoga, and walks in the morning, but maybe there are some changes you’d like to make and I encourage you to do so!

I have been so much more productive because I’m fueling my body to tackle the day, I have a list so I seldom forget what I needed to do, and I wake up earlier to give myself more time in each day to get those things done.

I hope this was helpful. If you have any tips for me or want to have a one-on-one to discuss how to improve your routine, use the ‘contact‘ page to do so or comment below. Share this post with anyone you know could benefit from a morning routine of their own. ❤

UPDATE: The Black Coffee Factory Podcast is now Live!

The B.C.F Podcast is now live on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify! The first episode covers toxic relationships, maintaining your individuality, and a reminder that while many of us are searching for it, love will find us when we least expect it.

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