“If You’re Tired of Hearing About Racism, Imagine How Tired We Are of Experiencing It.”

I haven't been as vocal about the state of the world as many might've expected me to be or as I would've expected of myself. To be transparent, I despise politics and spent a lot of time avoiding anything remotely related to them. I did so until the day I read something along the lines… Continue reading “If You’re Tired of Hearing About Racism, Imagine How Tired We Are of Experiencing It.”

Was Charter School Worth it + Virtual Graduation

Well, hot damn. We made it. The Lottery Cage It seemed never-ending whilst in the midst of it all. It was like being one of the winning numbers in a lottery ball cage; you weren't sure if you'd be chosen, or when the spinning would stop but it was like you didn't have a choice.… Continue reading Was Charter School Worth it + Virtual Graduation

Diary of a Quarantined Kid: the Pains and Pleasures of Isolation

Quarantine was this very unexpected timeout we've all been put on. Even if you're one of those "super edgy kids who's too cool to listen to important precautions issued for the world's safety and not just your own, who continues to go out every day," this quarantine has shaken up the way things used to… Continue reading Diary of a Quarantined Kid: the Pains and Pleasures of Isolation

The Modern Slave; Living the American Dream

Just because you're lucky enough to wake up one day, doesn't mean you'll live to see it through. I put so much on my own plate because I'm hungry and I'm afraid the future won't allow me the time I once assumed I have to do all that I want to do, to "eat" as much as I want to eat. What are you hungry for?

We Started a Feminist Club, but Do We Need Feminism?

One Too Many Compromises I thought co-founding the Feminist Committee at my school would give my girls and I the opportunity to prove that 'feminism' isn't a bad word and is still completely necessary in our world today. The second we formed and went to the Associated Student Body to become an official club, we… Continue reading We Started a Feminist Club, but Do We Need Feminism?

Animal Farm By George Orwell: Analysis and Connections to Our World

Animal farm by George Orwell was intended to be a politically informative book, from my understanding. Not being big on politics myself, I attempted to search for other morals and themes while reading, and I did just that. I present: my connections and analysis of Animal Farm.