Powerful Quotes/Reminders About Strength, Love, & Growth

This week had a theme. I am always being given advice about how to present myself, what I should and should not share with the world, and how to go about choosing who I date. I’m always appreciative of the advice and the fact that there are people who want to protect me from deception and heartbreak, but other times I perceive the advice as criticism.

Some may feel I share too much about my personal life, that my Instagram quotes and rants makes me seem depressed and irritable. I can see how some might interpret me in that way, but if you take the time to read my blogs, those seemingly-depressing quotes have a story, a lesson, and a bright side. If you can’t take those few minutes to dig a little deeper into who I am, I am not at all concerned with how you may perceive me.

When a woman leaves you for herself, she won’t be back.

@feelingsofeveryheart – Instagram

Accept both compliments and criticism. It takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow.

@lifedosedaily – Instagram

Forgive me, I only know how to love fully and fearlessly

@b.thames_ – Instagram

You deserve someone that (especially on your bad days) reminds you that you are not hard to love.

@f.e.marie – Instagram

And some days I forget what it is to be gentle with myself – how to look at myself with kind eyes and speak to myself with soft words. Forget that I am my home and a temple worthy of worship.

@beccaleepoetry – Instagram

If you walked away from a toxic, negative, abusive, one-sided, dead-end, low vibrational relationship or friendship – you won.

@thegoodquote – Instagram

5 things to quit

1. Trying to please everyone

2. Fearing change

3. Living in the past

4. Putting yourself down

5. Over thinking

@passaroundthesmile – Instagram

Cover image by Veronika Valdez

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