Why Are We Not Angry?!

This the 21st century. We still have slavery, unwanted arranged marriages, a racist president, marches for women's' rights, walls trying to be built, kids without access to basic necessities or education, animals still being abused for our entertainment, fathers still paying child support even with full custody of their kids, and the natives are still fighting to protect a land they have lived on and loved for so long. Child support payments and slavery may seem like they belong on two different spectrums, but every act listed is an act of injustice.

Be Ready to Fight a War That We Didn’t Start: Inheriting Earth

There are a countless number of brilliant minds out there of all ages. Plan to do something for this world, not just do something in it.Years of mutilation and disregard for our world and it's inhabitants have brought us into the rut we're stuck in today.